
Current & Past

Did you know that 42% of startups fail due to lack of a product market fit?*

We have helped our clients research the marketplace, establish their buying persona, created messaging that is impactful, and plan for market engagement.



Mountain View Chamber of Commerce

Supporting businesses in Mountain View

The Mountain View Chamber of Commerce created a business resiliency kit and a new online marketplace to help their local businesses sell more, stay connected to the community, and eventually thrive.



Taka Solar

Solar Energy Systems

Taka Solar needed help verifying interest in a new commercial solar product. Our efforts included industry research that obtained initial impressions, verified known and uncovered new barriers to entry.




SAAS AI Design Intelligent Solution

Savitude needed help developing messaging and product communications for their pitch deck and website. We helped them position their company and solutions to amplify their advantage for designing clothing for a better fit with less waste.




Educational Gaming App

Quiklee needed to better understand their market fit. We helped them narrow their market focus by defining their market personas, and providing guidelines for reaching, engaging, and building their social media community as they expand their product offerings.




Mixed Reality App

SENSXR wanted to validate their market and build an initial persona. Our efforts confirmed interest in their app and helped them understand their product market fit.